Lady Di’s Classy Exchange accepts only top quality and designer labels for a 90 day consignment period*. For selected luxury items, consignment period may be up to 180 days. All items must be current fashion or trend, in new or “like new” condition. Clothing must be freshly laundered, pressed and presented to us on hangers or neatly folded in shopping bags. Items must be free of stains, snags, tears, missing buttons and labels, alterations, pet hair, and must be odor free. Shoes must not show scuffs or excessive signs of wear. Please, no more than 15 clothing items per appointment.
At the initial consignment, clothing will be evaluated with the consignor. Items rejected will be returned to consigner at that time. Lady Di’s Classy Exchange reserves the right to reduce any item due to flaws or defects found during the contract period.
Consignor attests to ownership and the authenticity of each item consigned. The selling of “knock-off” or counterfeit goods is illegal and will not be accepted. Legal action can be taken if a consignor is knowingly consigning counterfeit goods.
Consignor receives 50% of the final selling price. Pricing is done by Lady Di’s Classy Exchange and is based on second market value along with supply/demand. Items are priced to sell. Periodic markdowns and sales are done at the discretion of Lady Di’s Classy Exchange. Pay-outs are available once a month for items that sold during the previous month. Consignor has a payment option of either cash, check or store credit. Please call to request a check for pick up. If requested, Lady Di’s Classy Exchange will mail your check(s) to you minus a $1.00 processing fee.
By signing this Agreement, consignor acknowledges and agrees to all terms and conditions and further agrees to release and hold Lady Di’s Classy Exchange harmless from any and all claims or cause of action against Lady Di’s Classy Exchange. Consignor further states that all items are authentic and have legal ownership free and clear on all items considered and/or accepted for consignment.